Find relief from anxiety that sticks

in four weeks

without more overwhelm and exhaustion

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Hi, I'm Jeanne Phillips Pruett

If you’re anxious, highly sensitive, or are just tired of not being able to find relief from chronic overwhelm and are looking for an effective way to feel better, then you already know that traditional methods don't work.

Because you've tried them.

You get that self-care is important. And you are probably frustrated that nothing seems to help. And just plain DONE (like I was!) with people telling you to chill out and breathe. 



There's more to the story here than an inability to manage stress:

  • There's actually nothing wrong 

    The presence of anxiety means that your body is doing its job to keep you safe. It's just that that automatic mechanism that responds to danger - Fight or Flight - has gotten stuck in the "always on" position. 
  • Traditional methods don't work

    Traditional self-care deals with soothing symptoms on the surface, which does nothing to deal with the automatic mechanisms underneath that are actually running the show. Yes, it helps, but it's not enough and can even feel like another chore when we can't fit it in (who hasn't had the "I should take better care of myself" conversation in their head..?)
  • You gotta make contact with the subconscious mind

    We are taking in way more information and energy than ever before, and our old ways of reducing the anxiety that is now pouring in from this overload can't touch it. We must go deep and make contact with the subconscious mind to effect lasting change. 
  • We're becoming more sensitive (for a reason!)

    Anxiety is on the rise because we are becoming more sensitive, and this doesn't mean we're somehow flawed. Quite the opposite, it's an exciting invitation to become more of who we are. Stop right now and consider how a highly sensitive nature might solve a problem you see in the world today...
  • You have a gift that the world needs

    What if anxiety isn't something that needs to be fixed but is actually a (not-so-subtle) push from something bigger than ourselves to grow? What if it is simply trying to get our attention? We live in a world that values productivity over authenticity, an unsustainable paradigm that is already beginning to crumble, and anxiety is the tension we feel between our subconscious loyalty to what was and to the new that is wanting to emerge.

    The question it asks of each of us is this: what are you holding back?

Anxiety is on the Rise

but we fail to see why

Why does the world feel so off? When did getting out of bed get so hard? When was it NOT hard?

This week was going to be different, but it's only mid-week and the renewed determination from Monday's clean eating reset is a distant memory. Maybe tonight's yoga class will help... but will it?

Our goto havens for stress relief aren't working anymore.

Not only are everyday responsibilities getting in the way, the growing shadow of a world in chaos looms too heavy.

Anxiety has such a tight grip on our lives because we're trying to navigate unprecedented change without the right tools. We are taking in more information than ever before and still trying to use out-dated self-care tactics to process it all, and it's not working. It's not that we're doing it wrong - it's just that the old coping mechanisms can't keep up.

This energy overload is why nearly impossible to calm our anxiety.

Instead of grasping at this self-care tactic and that one to alleviate symptoms, the key to lasting relief is learning how to transform this energy into something useful. Not only does this create much needed room to breathe, it also uncaps a well of inspired vitality that can fuel a purpose-driven life.   

But you have to go deep to make that happen.

The 5 Mindset Upgrades You Need to Make Right Now to Find Lasting Relief and Avoid More Overwhelm 

Upgrade 1

There's nothing wrong

It's actually very right. Chronic anxiety stems from not knowing what to do with increasing sensitivity, which is occurring so that we can tune into more of the reality that we live in. Without the ability to sense more, we would remain stuck in old perspectives that prevent us from becoming the best version of ourselves.

Upgrade 2

There's a reason for the increasing sensitivity

Without sensitivity, how would we ever know what needs to change? It's the precursor to forward-thinking innovation (which the world needs right now!) In addition, the up-leveled sensitivity enables us to make contact with a very real Greater Reality that exists all around us, an experience that - once had - takes you beyond anxiety's reach altogether. 

Upgrade 3 

Traditional self-care isn't enough 

Traditional self-care IS the foundation but can only go so far in providing relief. Once the source of anxiety moved beyond physical causes, so did our need for an energy-based remedy. 

Upgrade 4

The key to relief lies deep in the subconscious

The automatic mechanisms that keep us alive live in the domain of the subconscious mind. This includes Fight or Flight, which is stuck in the "always on" position when anxiety becomes chronic. Managing symptoms on the surface only brings temporary relief; to find lasting relief, we must be able to directly influence the subconscious.

Upgrade 5

Pictures are more powerful than words

Talking it out has its place. But a quicker way to ending anxiety is found once you know how to effectively "talk" to the subconscious mind, which is through pictures, not words. So yes, there's a trick to it but easy when you know how!

so here's the deal

I've created a course called TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination that provides a way to tackle the fear that lives in your subconscious, using a powerful process called Invision®.

But whether you decide to dive into this course or not, make a commitment right now to learn a tool that targets the subconscious mind. It's imperative.

Because the days of managing symptoms are gone. We are being forced to transform, and anxiety is like a phone... that won't stop ringing... but because it sits under the surface, we don't know how to answer it.

What people are saying about the InvisionĀ® Process...

"Today I have a very different perspective of my self and how I handle people and situations in my life. I can say that thanks to [the] Invision® process I have a lot less anxiety and stress today."


"You are such an amazing teacher and weaver of truth and emotion and logic. I feel that you are helping me learn this ancient language that I'd known forever but [had] yet to find someone to speak it to. It feels like you are fluent and are willing to help me practice. It feels like what you are passionate about is helping me to find out what I am passionate about and I love that. Thank you!"


"It has helped me gain trust in both myself and Spirit. I've been able to begin connecting with my higher self in a way that I would have never believed possible and that is a true blessing!"



TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination

Reprogram the subconscious mind to find lasting relief

A note from Jeanne...

The lowest point of my chronic anxiety and panic journey was a demoralizing ride to the ER in the back of an ambulance. I learned pretty quickly that doctors couldn't help me for "just" a panic attack. So I found my own way. 

It was a long road out, but in the end I discovered that the only thing really "wrong" when it comes to living with anxiety is that we're approaching it from an upside down perspective. And once I understood that this was a Fight or Flight issue, no matter the level of anxiety, I knew who had the answers.

My horses.

Why? Because they are Flight or Flight experts! They showed me the path and taught me that connection is key. From there, all I had to do was apply it to my own fear.


I learned that in order to influence instinctual fear - fear that lives in the subconscious, fear that's actually non-verbal - you need the right language. This is why nothing else really works and why you need to the right type of tool.

TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. leads with the knowing that nothing is wrong
2. views high sensitivity as a valuable asset
3. gives traditional self-care the boost that it needs
4. teaches how to effectively influence the subconscious mind
5. helps get anxiety out of the way so you can live a life that you love

So if you’re ready to finally find lasting relief while avoiding more overwhelm...

Here's what can help you get there:

Course Breakdown

Lesson 1

Follow the Path of the Horse 

Horses are natural healers and provide the exact pathway needed to successfully reduce anxiety. They provide an invaluable example for how to undo the automatic Fight or Flight mechanisms that are driving anxiety. And no farms visits are necessary to benefit from this wisdom! 

Though if there is a farm nearby and you're able, go stand next to a horse ;) and just breath.

Module Highlights:

You'll learn the Three Nuggets of Horse Wisdom that highlight an easy to follow path out of Fight or Flight.

  • Build confidence What it means to be able to move yourself from one place to another in your mind
  • Know your safe zone How to create repeatable calm in the body
  • Connect with kindness The most important internal connection that needs to be made and how to do it
Lesson 2

Go Beyond Words 

Once you see from the horses the path to follow, Lesson 2 teaches you the key ingredients needed to take that journey.

Module Highlights:

  • What the natural language of the  subconscious mind is and how to use it
  • The impact of perspective and how to change it
  • Why metaphors and exploring them through the Invision® Process are so powerful and effective (and necessary!)
Lesson 3

TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination 

Here's where you learn how to use the Invision® Process as a container for your active imagination to do the work at hand. It's the perfect tool for interfacing with the subconscious mind.

Module Highlights:

  • What the Invision® Process is and how to use it
  • How to find personal pieces of information from your own subconscious about your anxiety and how to relieve it
  • How to get the most out the the meditations and accompanying journals


Enter the Meditation Vault

Unlock the door to your own subconscious mind by taking an Invision® journey via three meditation recordings. Each meditation enables you to accomplish one of the Nuggets of Horse Wisdom.

Meditation 1: To achieve the Horse Wisdom Nugget of "Build confidence," you will Travel to Relief

Meditation 2: To achieve the Horse Wisdom Nugget of "Know your safe zone," you will Anchor Tranquility

Meditation 3: To achieve the Horse Wisdom Nugget of "Connect with kindness," you will MEet Primary Partner 

And wrap it up with...

Lesson 4

Meditation Recap 

Interpret your experiences to find those key pieces of information that make it all stick, and learn practical calming practices to take with you wherever you go. This is where you don your explorer's hat and unlock the true magic of Invision®!

Module Highlights:

  • How to find the deeper meanings of specific elements of a landscape
  • What it means to experience repeating landscapes
  • What to do when you're anxious and away from home

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll:

TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination

  • Immediate access to all course materials
  • 4 video lessons
  • 3 Invision® Meditations
  • Detailed journal questions for each meditation to guide you through interpreting your experiences
  • Course specific emails from me twice each week for 4 weeks to help keep you on track
  • Private Circle Community to connect and ask questions
  • BONUS: Brain Wave Self-Care eBook PDF that lays out how our brain wave states impact the reach of common self-care practices

Enroll today for $37

30-Day No Risk Money Back Guarantee

I believe so much in this approach, that I'm offering a full money back guarantee. 

If you follow the program and listen to the meditations as directed, but don't gain valuable insight into your anxiety and start finding relief within 30 days of your join date, you can request a full refund. No hassles, no special conditions, just shoot an email directly to me to me within the 30 day time period, and I will promptly return your money.

Your relief is my top priority :) 

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for TAME Anxiety with Active Imagination

This eBook details for you the role that brain wave states of mind play - beta, alpha, and theta - when it comes to creating a self-care routine that effectively reduces anxiety.

The Lesson videos aren't long at about 10 minutes each. Most of your time will be spent listening to one of the 10 minute meditation and writing out your experience.

I suggest doing this 3-4 times each week (though daily is ideal) and committing to working with the meditations for at least 30 days.

YES! You don't have to be able to "see" the landscape to benefit from this technique. With a little practice, you'll discover what your communication style is.. and whether it is through visualization or sensing where you are, the impact is just as effective and profound.

The specially created Invision® meditations are not relaxation techniques (though they will help you to relax!) They are much more powerful in that they give you an interface for talking with your own subconscious mind.

Most people experience some level of relief with the first meditation. Creating relief that sticks will take a few weeks of dedicated practice.

All the more reason to jump on board! It's when we feel the most stressed that we need the most support. Consider how a pattern of feeling chronically time pressured could impact your health. By taking the time now to address anxiety, you change the course of your own future in positive ways.

The question to ask yourself is this: Where do I want to be this time next year?

Working with the subconscious mind is the missing piece of nearly all self-care practices out there. Learning how to influence what lies under the surface gives you what you need and puts you back in the driver's seat.

And with the 30-day 100% money back guarantee, you've got nothing to lose! There's zero risk, and it could be the turning point that leads you to a life that you love.


For 1/4 the price of a 1-hr private coaching session, you are getting:

  • 4 Course Lessons
  • 3 Invision® meditations with accompanying PDF journals
  • Private Community access
  • 4 weeks of email support (and yes, I reply personally to each and every one!)
  • BONUS: Brain Wave Based Self-Care PDF

Start Today

Risk free. Be who you came here to be.


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